Embark on a Weekly Adventure

Ready to join a Tabletop RPG campaign
run by our professional GM?

Currently Recruiting

  • Ongoing - Sundays 2:30-5:30pm
    Available Seats: 3

    GM: Royce Moonbury

If none of these times work for you, don’t worry! Fill the survey out and we may be able to start a new campaign that fits your schedule.

Last updated: 3/1/24

Two Ways to Play

Ongoing Campaign

Miniseries Campaign

  • Includes one-time perks

  • Exactly Nine Sessions (with one or two breaks)

  • Paid up front in one or two payments.

  • Full Details (pdf)

Why only three hours? Don’t some sessions go longer?

First and foremost we want to respect the time and energy of our players, who often have a demanding and busy lifestyle. We also find that this duration keeps the service affordable but still allows us pay our gamemaster a living wage. We do allow for up to fifteen minutes of overflow at the discretion of the GM, so you don’t stop at an inconvenient moment.

How many players will be in a campaign?

Ideally four or five players. We may run with as few as 3 or as many as 6. (Possibly more if the system allows for it.)

What about RPGs that aren’t D&D?

We love other systems! Our pro GMs have a wide range of experience. Let us know through the survey what systems you are interested in and we will see if we can get a game going!

Here are some of the non-5e systems we’ve already run


  • G.I. Joe RPG

  • Castles & Crusades

  • Starfinder


  • Fallout RRG

  • Pathfinder 2e

  • Starfinder

  • Wanderhome

  • Blades in the Dark

  • Call of Cthulhu

  • Vampire: The Masquerade

  • Transformers RPG

  • Dread

What about refunds for missed sessions?

If you pre-pay full-rate for a session and it doesn’t run or you are absent we will gladly offer a refund as long as the absence was planned. Unplanned absences (less than 24 hour notice) are non-refundable, except in cases of emergency or sudden illness.

If you are on a subscription, we will not give refunds for absences because the discount per session is already so significant. See full terms for details.

If the missed session is due to a GM/DM absence (we want them to take breaks, too!) and as a result the number of weekly sessions in a month falls below four, we will refund a pro-rated portion of the subscription fee for that month.

What if someone goes on a vacation?

As silly as it sounds, we will absolutely run a session for a single player if most of the rest of the group are subscribers and the one person wants to play -- that's what "subscription" means. But, you know, we hope people plan better than that. Communication with the GM is key.

When you or your group sees vacations coming up, we recommend pausing the subscription and paying “by the session” until you are ready to go monthly again. (For example: you downshift to “by the session” for your only 2 meetings in July and then start a subscription back up in August.)

Offering only these two ways to pay (and no other) simplifies what could get tricky.

Does this mean I would be paying to play Dungeons & Dragons?

In a word: yes. Our professional Game Master / Dungeon Master runs a weekly ongoing campaign and you play a hero in that story.

Why would I do that?

We know that finding a group is hard. Many of our customers appreciate the commitment to the game a paid experience creates. Some are “forever DMs” within their friend group and want to unwind as a player. Others are just entering the hobby and see this as a great way to learn without the added challenge of finding a successful group.

Some people subscribe to weekly yoga classes to improve their wellness. Others practice self care by doing structured improv bringing to life the adventures of an orphaned dwarf grown strong into a fierce barbarian. Since we aren’t qualified to teach yoga, we run roleplaying games instead.

Do I get any other benefits from subscribing?

Absolutely! You become a Friend of the Den.

Ongoing Campaign
Frequently Asked Questions